Alice Piper
College Admission Consulting

College Fit
With roughly 4,500 Colleges and Universities in the United States, searching for colleges can be an overwhelming process for students and their parents. There are always those schools that are trendy or popular, but in order to be successful and happy the student needs to do a lot of reflection to uncover what makes them tic. I provide the necessary assessments and questionnaires to help students discover what exactly they want in a college. Big or small, rural or urban, Greek or no Greek, LGBTQ+ friendly, laid back or intense, Ivy league or State. What do they like to do in their spare time? What excites them? I get to know each student and their unique strengths and together we formulate a list of colleges in three areas of acceptance: likely, target, and reach (sometimes we add in a “wild card”).

College Essays
There is no reason to fear the Essay/Personal Statement! I encourage students to look at the essay as an opportunity to give much needed life to their application. In other words, it is a chance to show the admission office who they are beyond grades and tests and activities. Colleges want to know about the student’s character and personality. I provide brainstorming and self discovery exercises so the student can find a story that reveals something important about themselves. Helping students find their "voice" is my passion and speciality.

Application Management
There are a lot of moving parts in the college application process, but it doesn’t have to be an ordeal! As an Independent Education Consultant I can:
-help students prepare for the SAT/ACT.
-explain the pros and cons of Early Decision and Early Action.
- develop timelines for submitting high school transcripts and test scores (if required).
-offer tips to improve teacher recommendation letters.
-provide financial aid resources and information on scholarships and merit aid.
Most importantly, I support the student and their parents/care givers during the sometimes tumultuous college application process.